Monday, August 9, 2010

New Books

I have to start off by saying, I'm tired of being cold in the summer, it pits me in a bad mood. With that now said I'm going to tell you about the books I got in from Where I was first so excited I had to tear the packages open as soon as it was in my hands, I'm in a worst mood now. Because of the books. :(

I ordered four books total. The first one to come in was the most promising since it had great reviews and it was written by a Burlesque star, Ann Corio, the book, This Was Burlesque. It is about the history of burlesque. I started reading right away and was bored to death. The book started with the old time comics. I love funny men, if a man can't make me laugh....I don't spend much time with him. But, OMG. How boring to read about men from waaay back when! It only went into tiny detail about each man, maybe if it included more about them it would be more interesting to me. So the next book came in the mail and I haven't picked this one up since. I'm sure I'll finish it eventually and may change my mind in the end, who knows.

The second book that came in is called Burlesque {and the New Bump-n-Grind} by Michelle Baldwin. This book saved me from tears of boredom the other book was about to give me. Its about how the new burlesque revival got started. A book much more about the present scene and an easy read with nice pictures. Over all I was happy to read it and it left me wanting to find out more about the current movers and shakers.

The next book to come in the mail excited me. Burlesque: A Living History, It is about tons of burlesque girls from the heyday of burlesque. But I was very disappointed in it. It seems to be written by an old woman that skips from one fact and tib bit to another. It doesn't go into detail in the areas that it should and rambles on and on spinning way off track in others. It will talk in one sentence about a show the girl did when she was twenty then in the next will tell you her husband died 30 years ago and the she had her hip replaced last year! Oh my. This book had potential, but it needed a better editor.

With the last book I've been avoiding it. Its call Pretty Things by Liz Goldwyn. I've slowly been reading it, so far....its ok, but I've only read 8 or 9 pages. I keep putting it down and not coming back to it....not that's not a great start.

Anyone have any suggestions on great books about burlesque? Please!?


Dangerous Delilah

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